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What is MUDIS and why should you use it?

MUDIS - MUD Inspection System is a tool that compares the network behavior of IOT devices, based on their formal description in the MUD file MUDIS tool introduces comparison and generalization features, allowing users to investigate MUD files differences.

This tool and all algorithems within are explained and developed to promote the our paper that was accepted to The 18th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2022)

Add the paper here!

This reserach was done as part of the DEEPNESS Lab
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Installation guide


MUDIS is a web application tool based on a Flask server (python code) and MongoDB (saves MUDS for your future use).
Inorder to help researchers out there I have created a detailed setup and installation guide that can be find here.
This guide will show you how to setup MUDIS in a quick and easy way by using Docker compose that will “setup&install” your entire environment in a few simple steps.
All the needed files are in this repository under MUDIS setup folder for our users use!


Make sure you have already installed both Docker Engine and Docker Compose. You don’t need to install Python or MongoDB, as both are provided by Docker images.

Some recommendations:

Step 1: Setup

So, the result of your MUDIS project folder should look like this:

Step 2: Build and run your app with Compose

Step 3: Start adding MUDs into the system and compare them using MUDIS

That is all! You can run MUDIS in only three simple steps and get all the benefit out of it

So, what can it do (or what are MUDIS features)?

Motivated by the impact of location on the MUD, we built this tool, which as few fundamental features:


This is a basic feature that gives researchers the option to add MUDS into the system.
The uploaded MUD is then saved at the server and in a dedicated MongoDB for further use.
When adding a new MUD you can add some helpful metadata like - device name, device type, the device geolocation etc.


The basic concept of MUDIS is its parsing engine which gives MUDIS its power.
The parsing engine knows how that take a raw MUD file and convert it into python objects that defines the given MUD.
Once MUDIS proccess the MUD it creates - Matches objects, Aces objects, ACLs and so on.
This objects above creates a MUD object that MUDIS will use in the more complex features it has.


Once you done uploading two or more MUDs you can start using one of the main feature of MUDIS, the comparison feature.
This feature is using the MUD object that was created using the MUDIS parsing engine (explained in the previous section) to find the followin things:

In addition, the comparison results in a similarity score that the researcher can use to asstimaate how identical are the two MUDs.
This is an importent metric that we used during our research (moreover inside our paper) To conclude, MUD comparison allows the research to calculates the MUD similarity measure and then examine the differences between two MUD files and highlight similar entries. This allows us to drill down and gain insights about the origin of the differences.


This feature aims to create a one comprehensive, generalized MUD that can serve as a white-list for the network behavior of bothMUDs (represent two locations in our experiments).
The generalization process is done by using the comparison feature that "learns" are are the MUDs differences and what can be generalized by MUDIS.
The generalized MUD is then presented and inserted into MUDIS DataBase for future research and use of the given user.


MUDIS also presents two features that help us the reaerchers to automatre our work and to get our results right: * ACEs filter - this gives the user to filter out ACEs that are created and influenced by the network and not by the device (therefore, harming the results). * List comparison - this allows the users to compare a list of tuples where each tuple is two MUDs we want to compare. this comparison returns all similarity score for further use like creating graphs, detecting anomalies and so on.

Screens examples

We have added some screen examples for you to get the look and feel of MUDIS.
We really encourage you to install it and try it by yourself.


Add a new MUD screen - gives users the ability to add new generated MUDs into the system for further investigation


MUDIS main screen - gives users the ability to choose two MUDs and to compare, generalize and filter ACEs using the system


MUDIS compare screen - shows the two MUDs similarity score and the identical ACEs between them


MUDIS compare screen - shows the two MUDs domain based similarity ACEs


MUDIS main screen - shows the two MUDs clustered ACEs


MUDIS main screen - shows the two MUDs dissimilar ACEs


If you find this tool useful in your research, please consider citing our papers:

    AUTHOR="Ran Shister and Anat Bremler-Barr and Bar Meyuhas",
    TITLE="MUDIS - MUD Inspection System",
    BOOKTITLE="NOMS 2022 - demo paper",